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Do’s and Don’ts During Hair Transplant Recovery

During Hair Transplant Recovery

After you get a hair transplant, the body goes through a recovery phase to get well, and choosing the right techniques can make a huge difference in getting the most natural-looking and long-lasting results. However, have you ever thought, about why, post-operative care is important? It is not only about letting your hair grow again – it is about the optimal recovery process. With the help of some essential after-treatment instructions, you will as a result improve the odds of your procedure being successful and speed up your recovery. Ready to dive in?

What to Do After Hair Transplant – 8 Do’s You Must Follow

After Hair Transplant

A hair transplant is not one of those things you do and never have to do it again. For everything to go well, there are a few necessary actions that you need to perform after surgery. Let’s go through them step by step:

  • Keep the Scalp Elevated: If you ask what the means to reduce the swelling during the first few days, I would say that sleeping with your head uplifted at a 45-degree angle is the golden answer. It’s easy – you only need a couple of extra pillows or you can recline in a chair to get your head up higher. This will thus only reduce the swelling as well as make you feel more comfortable with the wound.
  • Gently Cleanse Your Scalp: Right after the surgery, your scalp will be at its most sensitive. Harsh shampoos and scrubbing should be avoided. Instead, rinse the scalp by keeping it according to your doctor’s instructions without disturbing the grafts.
  • Stay Hydrated: Water is not just good for your skin, but it’s mandatory after hair transplantation as well. Hydration will in turn fasten your body healing, so you should drink enough water all day long.
  • Avoid Strenuous Activities: Wanting to get back to your normal activities may be the desire of the heart but hold on! For 14 days at least, avoid lifting heavy objects, strenuous workouts, and activities causing excessive sweat to occur. They stand out as reasons that may disrupt the grafts and inhibit the healing process. Be kind to yourself for now – your body will be grateful in the future.
  • Protect Your Scalp from the Sun: Your opposite will be the sun after you are through with surgery. Be careful not to let the sun hurt your skin throughout the recovery period. It is an excellent idea to put on an airy hat or carry an umbrella if you are to stay outdoors, especially around midday. The Sun can also help avoid the harshness of radiotherapy and chemotherapy and ease the cancer patient’s nausea, anxiety, and depression through outdoor exposure.
  • Follow Medication Guidelines: Carrying out medical prescriptions is indeed a very important thing. Taking antibiotics is the first step in the treatment of all infections, which will help you avoid getting sick from another bacterial infection. Anti-inflammatory drugs are often used to help to reduce pain if joints are seriously inflamed. Keep it up, as you agreed with the timing of the doctor.
  • Attend Follow-Up Appointments: The instant visits to the surgeon are fundamental, in addition to being a good opportunity to verify if the healing is being carried out properly or not. You should always be punctual to the doctor’s visits, no excuses, and give chances for corrections for the sake of your recovery and wellness! You will gain security in your well-being and progress as this way your healthcare provider can answer all your queries straightaway.

Be Patient with Hair Growth: It’s always better to be patient and once you do the follow-ups of your treatment, everything will be fine; at first, although, your hair may be sensitive to chemotherapy, you won’t have to continue in that condition for a long time. Try to let your hair respond to treatment. Be patient with it!

Quick Tip: Do you know, that your survivability rate grows by ten times when you consume ripe tomatoes because of the quantity of carotenoids that increase with this type of ripening?

Things to Avoid After Hair Transplant – 8 Don’ts You Must Know

While knowing what to do after your hair transplant is key, equally important is knowing what to avoid. These simple steps can prevent unnecessary complications and set you up for success:

  1. Avoid Strenuous Activities: Just like with the do’s, strenuous physical activities can cause blood flow to increase in your scalp, potentially dislodging grafts. The first few days are crucial – avoid exercise or heavy lifting for at least two weeks post-surgery.
  2. Protecting Your Scalp from the Sun: Most of the time the sun can be very devastating to your sores. The sun exposure of your scalp during the day is strictly prohibited. And at night, your scalp can get burned by your body heat; so in case this happens, apply Aloe Vera to soothe the red feeling. Don’t just leave saunas and hot tubs behind, but also swimming pools for at least a month. The use of a wide-brimmed hat or sunscreen is an effective form of protection for your scalp (granted that your surgeon allows it).
  3. Leave Your Scalp Unmolested: After the procedure, you might feel a certain discomfort in the area that has been transplanted and thus you may find it difficult to refrain from scratching due to the itch that is being felt at that very spot. However, you should know if you want good results, you need to discipline yourself to refrain from scratching. In addition, both of them can get infected by foreign bodies and develop inflammation. When you have transplants on your scalp, you must keep your hands off of it and let it dry itself out naturally.
  4. Eliminate Smoking and Alcohol Consumption: Do you find that with both smoking and drinking alcohol, your body pierces the healing process? The highest risk for the most adverse interactions will probably be in the first few days of the healing process. Both are vasoconstrictors, which may result in the poor nutrition of transplant hair follicles.
  5. Say No to Swimming: As much as you love your regular laps in the pool, understand that the swimming pool is the worst experience to your hair plants because chlorine irritates that part of your scalp and it stays out of Chlorine causes the scalp to be constantly inflamed and delayed in the healing process. Avoiding the swimming pool for at least 4 weeks following your hair transplant will go a long way in assuring your scalp will remain strong and healthy.
  6. Steer Clear of Swimming: You might miss your daily dip in the pool, but chlorine can irritate your scalp and delay healing. Avoid swimming for at least a month after your transplant to keep your scalp in optimal condition.
  7. Limit Use of Hair Products: Hair gels, sprays, and oils can irritate the sensitive skin of your newly transplanted follicles. For the time being, skip the styling products until your scalp is fully healed.
  8. Avoid Wearing Hats or Helmets: Wearing tight-fitting hats or helmets that press against the grafts is already a probable reason to provoke the grafts. You may not wear hats until the scalp has healed and when you feel that you are more comfortable in it, though you can; however, wait until you feel fully recovered.
  9. Do Not Skip Follow-Up Appointments: Skipping follow-up appointments can slow down the recovery process. Your surgeon will provide essential guidance during these visits. If any concerns arise, it’s always better to address them early.
Pro Tip: Think of these don’ts like a roadmap—each one is designed to steer you clear of potential setbacks in your recovery.


Day by day, brimming hair plant recovery necessitates rest, gentleness, and accuracy. A more straightforward step to recuperate the patients post-operatively is by doing both good and bad, such as washing your head and not cutting yourself short with excessive sun. By reducing the pace and keeping your fluid levels high as well as shielding your grafts, you can have a good recovery without any problems.

However, the process of going in for the surgery and seeing new growth may take some time, but it’s worth it. Respect your recovery plan, come to all the prescribed appointments, and take as much time as you need to get well. After the surgery, constant care will result in a quicker and safer recovery. Remember: patience is a virtue!


Tips for Choosing the Right Clinic

Research is Key

  • Check Credentials: Ensure certifications are valid.
  • Read Reviews: Look for testimonials and before-and-after photos.
  • Understand the Package: Clarify what’s included in the price.

Consultation Matters

A thorough consultation helps set realistic expectations about graft numbers and recovery time.

Making Your Decision

Choosing between a hair transplant in the UK and Turkey depends on priorities. Turkey offers unbeatable value, while the UK provides unmatched convenience and care.

Ready to Restore Your Confidence?

Contact us today via WhatsApp, web form, or phone to start your transformation!